I've been watching documentaries lately. And David's finally achieved his goal to get me to enjoy movies again, which I never thought would happen. As far as tv goes, I admit I like Honey Boo Boo. That little girl is really something. I also watch Pawn Stars and find Chumlee very cute and funny. Yes I know. Yes I know I'm actually blogging about stuff I've seen on tv. I'm telling you, times have really changed for me. Can't say I mind a bit, either.
David's at the store now getting more goods, we're having hamburgers tonight. We eat alot of hamburgers. Also, porkchops and chicken. I keep telling him I'm getting too old to be eating like this but he claims to love the extra meat on my bones. Maybe I believe him, because I like him with a potbelly too. He was too gaunt and gangly when he was drinking. Now he looks like a wholesome buttered-up plump & juicy bona fide husband who's fed well. I even like the look of him with his feet up in his recliner. Big plastic cup of coffee by his side and all his ashes & butts in an empty relish jar. My relish. I'm the only one who eats it. On my hotdogs.
Full circle is what this is. Cause I remember one of my very first blogs in which I fretted over one day getting married to a lazy pig who sits around and eats hotdogs, and now it's me who sits around and eats them.
I never knew life could be this good.