I have fish. 2 tanks. It started out as one, but there were a couple of "problem fish" in the mix, so David came home with a smaller tank and called it Gangster Paradise. It's where the bad fish go. But it sure doesn't look like a fish prison. It has all the bells & whistles the bigger one has, and even better lighting. So now the 2 bad fish have their own separate home, and they take their badness out on each other sometimes, but for the most part they have a happy life. I'm not sure of the name of the fish, they're just glow in the dark yellows, that's what I call them. David corrects me and says they're green. They're not green, they're neon yellow.
In the bigger tank we have 5 platys. They frolick. I sit and watch them and can't take my eyes off of them. In this tank there's hot pink gravel, colorful fake plants, a castle, and a pirate ship. It's like an aquatic wonderland. The fish tanks were my birthday present this year. I feel bad that I don't sit and stare that much at the smaller tank, but it's just that those fish in there are aggressive and hyper. They remind me of pirhannas. In fact that's the whole reason why we had to separate them from the others, they were murdering the platys in the middle of the night. We'd wake up in the morning to a gruesome murder scene each morning, until I said, that's enough. I was mad and almost flushed them but David said let's just get them their own tank.
He handles everything, and by everything, I mean everything. He rides his bike everywhere. I stopped going places a few months ago due to my inability to keep going. I've slowed down so much. It's time for medication. Never thought I'd ever say that. But I am now. And disability, too. Ran from that prospect a few years ago and forced myself back into the normal world but my body would only keep up and play the game for so long before it said, that's enough. Well you know what? I got to where I needed to be in life, in more ways than one. I'm safe now.